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Начнём с начальной фразы - A Linux user wakes up in a world where Linux never appeared.

>> No.202834  
>качественный постинг

Ладно, ладно, Уцуха запретил указывать направления.

A Linux user wakes up in a world where Linux never appeared. A world where Windows or Mac is the only OS with Linux support and the only way to run Linux is to have it pre-installed on the computer or buy it online for $200. How is that possible? Let's find out.

There is a certain sense of disbelief when the first Linux users awake. That is probably because we are not accustomed to that way. In the Linux world, we are the first ones to get up in the morning. It seems almost impossible to live with Windows or Mac for a day or two, but most of us got used to Linux almost naturally. I personally have more than ten years of experience running Linux as my daily desktop, yet I was surprised by a couple of changes that happened when I started this column. The first surprise is that I just woke up and there is no Linux in my living room.

Most home users have computers with pre-installed Linux. As for the rest, it is possible to buy a computer from the

Говно, в общем.

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