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File: 1604939609391.gif -(529207 B, 720x405) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
529207 No.182323  

Bom dia, russos. Espero que todos tenham um ótimo dia.
Um abraço do Brasil.

>> No.182326  
File: 1604943340049.jpg -(37185 B, 461x478) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

¿Qué tiene dos pulgares y le importa un carajo?

>> No.182327  
File: 1604943461027.png -(593924 B, 1280x1033) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

e ai, beleza? nao so os russos estao aqui mas valeu, amigo

>> No.182330  
File: 1604943849700.jpg -(321777 B, 719x971) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

А по-английски нельзя? Ничего не понятно.

>> No.182331  
File: 1604944075829.gif -(58650 B, 220x257) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Доброе утро, россияне. Я надеюсь, что у всех будет отличный день.
Объятие из Бразилии.

>> No.182332  

Você fala russo, anão?

>> No.182333  


>> No.182334  
File: 1604945640597.png -(68067 B, 400x379) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

muito melhor do que voce fala portugues, bambi

>> No.182335  

Por que você está me atacando sem nem ao menos, anão?
Queria poder falar russo.

>> No.182337  

Ариба, абахо, ал центра, па дентро!
Can you get cyrillic? Above - the phrase all spanish speaking are trying to make me to memorize.

Does COVID bothers you in Brasil? I’ve got around 10% of my acquaintances to go through it already.

>> No.182338  

И тебе чудесного дня!

>> No.182342  

ыес и ацтуаллы цан. Алтчоугч И донёт кнош муцч.
ыес, и аkтуалли кап. Алцогщ И допт кпоу муш.
The first one is from an converter, the second one I wrote myself. And it actually took some good 5 minutes for me to write that sentence. Probably all wrong, I'm not used to the russian layout at all, plus I'm not good with guessing the letters/don't understand the grammar rules.
Think I will try harder to learn from now on. I really like this language.

About the COVID question, not much. I actually live in the countryside, so except for the price of some products (rice, meat, beans) things are somewhat usual.
Are you learning russian, anon? or you know it already? are you spanish? mexican? argentinian?

>> No.182343  


>> No.182344  
File: 1604954036306.png -(129273 B, 1365x936) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Probably all wrong

seems to be so xd

>Are you learning russian, anon?

most of the locals are native speakers and were born in a russian-speaking environment (apart from Mithgol the Webmaster who's an ethnic Jew and speaks Old Church Slavonic)
it's barely possible to imagine the reasons that would force any sane person to learn russian
take care

>> No.182345  


> ыес и ацтуаллы цан. Алтчоугч И донёт кнош муцч.

That's something I'm gonna teach spanish-speaking when they try to force me to learn 'Arriba, Abajo, Al Centro, Pa Dentro'. Trasliterating that to cyrillic should give you "Ариба, абахо, ал центра, па дентро".

> not much

Pretty much the same. Except from time to time some of my colleagues got lost for around 3 weeks despite we work from home.

> Are you learning russian, anon? or you know it already?

I'm russian. I've got 4 spanish-speaking folks I used to work with. They all leave in russia now. Ecaudor, venezuela, colombia, chili - that's their origin.
The only outcome for me for introducing russian culture to them is that i can count - uno, dos, tres. And I remember Richard was kinda shocked that we don't hunt pigeons. I was thinking - need to memorize that pigeon trick in case I'm fired.
Ah, another thing - they've showed me latin america expat club in russia and some girl was trying to teach how to dance there. Awful experience, I'm really bad at that. Despite everyone was friendly, I was feeling nervous till I got drunk.

I believe best place to study russian language is vk.com - it should be quite easy to find someone who studies spanish there.

>> No.182374  


>from time to time some of my colleagues got lost for around 3 weeks despite we work from home

It happens more often than you may think

>> No.182375  


>> No.182387  
File: 1605032824811.jpg -(148297 B, 1280x762) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


> it should be quite easy to find someone who studies spanish there.

I'm not spanish-speaking, anon. I'm from Brazil, I speak Portuguese.
I guess it's easy for you guys to get confused, but it's pretty different.
By the way, Portuguese and Russian have quite similarities phonetic-wise.


I will give it a try, also try to consoom more Russian media.

>> No.182389  

Что за хуйту тут устроили?
learn rusian spek ples, then we will talking

>> No.182390  
File: 1605043656917.jpg -(44621 B, 350x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


> Mithgol the Webmaster who's an ethnic Jew

Так и знала же!

>> No.182391  


> I believe best place to study russian language is vk.com

Хееерня! Here-there-nowere is best!

>> No.182395  

А английский по тредам на 4chan изучать, да?

>> No.182396  

Только по мамоёбским, остальные треды полны кремлеботов.

>> No.182397  
File: 1605074944932.png -(53987 B, 1316x788) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Знаю парня, который английский выучил, сидя на краутчане. Причём, неплохо на нём разговаривает.

>> No.182400  


> I'm not spanish-speaking, anon. I'm from Brazil, I speak Portuguese.

Totally my bad, sorry. Those languages sound quite different for russians. It’s just my extrapolation misbehaved. 4 guys from South America - 4 spanish-speaking. Not Brazil though.

Well, personally I like portuguese better, it’s hard to explain, but spanish implies rather simple structure of a sentence as a whole. I dont’t speak Espanol, but because many words are familiar, you can get sentence structure, and simplicity of that structure doesn’t match emotional intensity. And you know, to me it looks like ‘I go to bed’ with emotions of ‘to be or not to be’. And to russian (to me) it’s abnormal.
On the other hand, those pieces which don’t result in such dissociation, do indeed have simple structure.
Cuando yo me muera,
enterradme con mi guitarra
bajo la arena.
Cuando yo me muera,
entre los naranjos
y la hierbabuena.

Can you give me a couple of examples of portugese poets you like?
I don’t know anyone from that list:
Feel ashamed, but that’s a good start point, isn’t it?

>> No.182401  

It looks like Brazil poetry is not really well represented in russia.
I’ve spent around 5 minutes and that’s the best I’ve found:

>> No.182509  

Sorry about the delay, anon, but I really forgot I had make this thread.

>It looks like Brazil poetry is not really well represented in russia.

Anon, Brazillian poetry it's not well represented even in Brazil in the first place. Not even I know most of those names in there.
About recommendations, don't know if this is a matter of taste or I wasn't well taught or even both, but I'm not that much into poetry in general as I am into literature as a whole.
Most of our best known literates — pretty much academic fags — (Caio de Abrel, Clarice Lispector) are not even worth a read. Try to aim for people who were born under the Empirial age.
If we talking about certains I highly (really) recommend you to read Machado de Ássis (Машаду де Ассис). He is a poet as well, but I'm more into his chronicles.
There is even a russian translation of his most famous book, Dom Casmurro (Дон Касмурро). It's really good.
Most of the poets I know and I liked to read when I for some reason did were from our colonization times, that is priests.
José de Anchieta (Жозе ди Аншиета) is a very good example, not sure if his works were ever translated.

What about you, anon? Do you have any recomendations for me? anything which I should avoid while learning? I thank every word in advance.

There is one poem which I always carry with me, though. It's not "exactly" Portuguese, it is Old Galician — which is pretty much Portuguese these days.

Galiciano antigo — Old Galician

Porque no mundo mengou a verdade,
punhei um dia de a ir buscar;
e, u por ela fui nom preguntar,
disserom todos: «Alhur la buscade,
ca de tal guisa se foi a perder,
que nom podemos en novas haver
nem já nom anda na irmaindade.»

Português moderno — Modern Portuguese

Porque no mundo sumiu a verdade,
tirei um dia para ir buscá-la;
e, por ela fui á perguntar,
disseram-me todos: busque em outro lugar,
pois está perdida de tal forma,
que não temos mais noticia dela,
nem cá ela está mais á vagar.

Ingês moderno — Modern English

Because in the world the truth has faded,
I decided to go a-searching for it
and wherever I went asking for it
everybody said: 'Search elsewhere
because truth is lost in such a way
such as we can have no news of it
nor is it around here anymore.'

— Airas Nunes, 13th Century.

>> No.182510  

kinda cute

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