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15880 No.24760  

There's anonymity. Everyone should and must have an identification, or Internet passport. The Internet was designed not for public use, but for American scientists and the U.S. military. That was just a limited group of people--hundreds, or maybe thousands. Then it was introduced to the public and it was wrong to introduce it in the same way.

I'd like to change the design of the Internet by introducing regulation--Internet passports, Internet police and international agreement--about following Internet standards. And if some countries don't agree with or don't pay attention to the agreement, just cut them off.

Eugene Kaspersky.

>> No.24763  

касперский- хуесос, никто ему не даст возможности заработать на интернет-паспортах. в конце концов, даже если вдруг, пользователи Свободной ОС уже имеют десяток аналогов, и могут запустить свой интернет, с преферансом и блудницами.
алсо бойан.

>> No.24764  

What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output.

-- Chairman Sheng-ji Yang "Essays on Mind and Matter"

>> No.24769  

It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people.

-- Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Ethics for Tomorrow"

>> No.24772  

My gift to industry is the genetically engineered worker, or Genejack. Specially designed for labor, the Genejack's muscles and nerves are ideal for his task, and the cerebral cortex has been atrophied so that he can desire nothing except to perform his duties. Tyranny, you say? How can you tyrannize someone who cannot feel pain?

-- Chairman Sheng-ji Yang "Essays on Mind and Matter"

>> No.24808  

Proper care and education for our children remains a cornerstone of our entire colonization effort. Children not only shape our future; they determine in many ways our present. Men and women work harder knowing their children are safe and close at hand, and never forget that, with children present, parents will defend their home to the death!

-- Col. Corazon Santiago, "Planet: A Survivalist's Guide"

>> No.24812  

Man has killed man from the beginning of time, and each new frontier has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future be different?

-- Col. Corazon Santiago "Planet: A Survivalist's Guide"

>> No.24821  

Energy is the currency of the future.

-- CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"

>> No.24823  

Да, альфа центавра винрарная игра.

>> No.24830  

Кто бы спорил. Просто этот тред представляет собой такой медленный вайп.

>> No.24833  

Мне очень нравились китайцы.
И ещё вот это:

  • I sit in my cubicle, here on the motherworld. When I die, they will put me in a box and dispose of it in the cold ground. And in all the million ages to come, I will never breath, or laugh, or twitch again. So won't you run and play with me here among the teeming mass of humanity? The universe has spared us this moment.
  • Anonymous, Datalinks

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