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File: 1319722362766.jpg -(16822 B, 300x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
16822 No.70044  

Хорошо не ненавидьте меня немедленно (кто - я ребячество), но когда и где ТОЧНО сделал это начало места. Почти уверен это началось в России *duh*, но какой год?

Да, не русский язык, Дело с этим.

>> No.70046  
File: 1319723298299.png -(362670 B, 792x576) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

у нас вайперов окунают в чан с говном, а подле чана ставят сарацина с саблей. дальше я думаю ты и сам догадываешся. это намёк.

speak english please, most russians understand english far better then any foreigner understands russian.

>> No.70047  


What little i got was rude (don't care) but i'am kinda also here to learn russian (Not just what the fucking retard computer tells me it is

Here's try two

Немного лучше на сей раз.

Не ненавидьте меня немедленно (потерянная надежда), но когда и где в точном, этот вебсайт был создан. Это почти уверило, это началось в России *duh *, но какой год?

Да, не русский язык, преодолейте это.

What that means in english (according to the school) is what year was this particular site made. Around the same time as it's english counterparts?

>> No.70050  

Слишком много надмозгов, мечите больше подщук.

>> No.70051  
File: 1319723902720.jpg -(532520 B, 600x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

are you perhaps living in from omsk city, maybe?

>> No.70052  
File: 1319724364260.jpg -(92793 B, 700x394) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Photo несвязана


No, i live in Canada Northbay, (Winter 6 months of the year too, but no where near as Brutal). Came here to see if this russian /b/ is as bad as the faggot USA's (Canada hates the US we just won't say it publicly)

>> No.70053  

Но тогда Вы парни, которых я предполагаю, ненавидите нас

using computer program from university to translate into russian bear with me

>> No.70054  
File: 1319724854936.png -(901114 B, 1163x700) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

i will make an assumption that you are one of the finns who was raiding tirech recently and you somehow get a hand on russian imageboards list.

because honestly, i refuse to believe that canadian can possibly be so bad at english

>> No.70055  


>using computer program from university to translate into russian bear, with me


>using computer program from university to translate into russian, bear with me

нам нужен художник-кун, однозначно.

>> No.70056  
File: 1319725427766.jpg -(62026 B, 200x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


;) trust me bro, i from Canada, but i guess i should be more precise and clear when talking to people who understand a different dialect. Here is a few things only Canadians know as proof of my heritage.

>We don't actually say "aye"
>Our military talks big but is actually shit
>We look JUST like Americans but once you talk to us face to face you can tell the difference (we can find you guys on a map)
>3 ft or .5 meters of snow is really nothing to worry about
>We use both imperial and metric despite efforts and comments to the contrary.

Believe it or not i found this site using good old fashion Google (it was not hard).

>> No.70057  

now we're talking.

>Believe it or not i found this site using good old fashion Google (it was not hard).

using which query exactly? just curious.

>> No.70058  
File: 1319725663519.gif -(464308 B, 500x248) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Here is the Russian translation

доверяйте мне bro, я из Канады, но я предполагаю, что я должен быть более точным и чистым, когда говорящий с людьми, которые понимают различный диалект. Вот - несколько вещей, только канадцы знают как доказательство моего наследия.

> Мы фактически не говорим "да"
> Наши вооруженные силы говорят большие, но - фактически дерьмо
> Мы смотрим ТОЧНО ТАК ЖЕ КАК американцы, но как только Вы говорите с нами лицом к лицу, Вы можете сказать разницу (мы можем посчитать Вас парнями на карте),
> 3 фута или .5 метры снега не действительно ничто, чтобы волноваться о
> Мы используем и имперский и метрический несмотря на усилия и комментарии наоборот.

Верьте или нет я нахожу этот вебсайт, использующий хорошую старую моду Google (это не было твердо).

>> No.70059  

this translation is awful.

>> No.70060  


Don't worry i won't tell the mass of lunatics on the web that particular timbit, i don't want this placed trolled (возмущенный, i think).

>> No.70061  
File: 1319726012392.jpg -(86366 B, 720x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>are you perhaps living in from omsk city, maybe?

Sure you are.

>> No.70062  


>implying you can troll imageboard
>> No.70063  
File: 1319726380262.jpg -(239106 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Not what to take by that, but okay


Believe me if you saw 4chan's /b/ you'd be thanking me.

>> No.70064  


Not what to take by that, but okay

>Not SURE what to take by that, but okay
>> No.70065  


>implying i don't browse 4chan regularly
>implying /b/ gives a fuck
>implying implications

so what was your questions in the first place?

>> No.70066  


>Implying i knew you browsed /b/ etc etc etc

I wanted to know WHEN this site was started and by whom? Just the year is cool. But who created this site, is it a knockoff, split off or what?

p.s. your verification Us look like Vs

>> No.70067  
File: 1319726870434.jpg -(11591 B, 300x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't care whether u r troll or not, whatever, but I would like to ask: is it cool to live in country with hockey player on banknotes?

>> No.70069  
File: 1319727014292.jpg -(23141 B, 480x451) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


hahahahahah oh lawd is you a wizard

...And it is actually

>> No.70071  

nowere.net was created 10.02.2008 at 23.00 by mod-kun.

>or what

basically, just another small imageboard, scientifically-themed.

>your verification Us look like Vs

are verification is hard, but it is fair.

>> No.70072  

this imageboard was started in the beginning of 2008 by mod-kun, please write in english, translators are pretty shitty

>> No.70075  
File: 1319729109021.jpg -(158797 B, 789x520) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.70078  

keep it inside one thread please.

>Do you guys hate, like or inbetween Vladimir Lenin

who gives a shit about lenin? dude died like a century ago.

>his name is Dimitri Besenko

he is radical khokhol

>Is mod-kun, moot? i.e 4chan's creator?

lol, nope, certainly not moot. he kinda created nowere and not much else known about him aside from that. though some stories imply that he might actually be legendary Lain.

>> No.70092  
File: 1319752654131.gif -(88583 B, 351x398) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Tell me more!

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